Monday, March 25, 2013

Flower Sunday

Still Sunday, March 24

Young men who helped up front with flowers brought the vases to the exits and
passed flower to everyone in the service.
Recognize the large stone on the right?

The Minister of the Kolozsvar Unitarian Church in his clerical robe/cape. Just before taking this picture
I asked him about the flower ceremony English is excellent. He said this is the third year they have done it-
it is new to them!
I told him we did it in June.  He said they don't call it flower communion,
like Norbert Capek did in Prague, because
when they have communion
about six times a year they eat bread, and they don't want to eat flowers!

This is the stone on which Ferencz David stoodin 1568 when he preached to the town and in the process everyone became a Unitarian, or so the story goes.
Can anyone read Hungarian?

Coffee hour on the street- note Minister's long black cape.

More coffee hour....lingering.
Time for lunch.


  1. Google translate:
    According to tradition, this was held in Koyo
    Edges of the wrapper street1568
    When, however, the gyulapehervari
    Assembly unanimously hazaerkezett
    Wow your speech which
    The whole Cluj Attert
    The Unitarian religion

  2. Eric- was that you or the Google translator?
