Eager Students at Unitarian High School Greet Twelve Travelers
Spring comes to Transylvania
In front of Unitarian High Schol. Emese Nagy (center with black jacket)
Sierra-Marie with Emese, the English teacher
The English language lab- new home of books and bookshelves, below.
Setting up book shelves- our books doubled their collection.
Coffee hours- a little hospitality for us visitors.
Agnes, the daughter of the Minister in our village stay who is a boarding student.
Mary Strieff sharing her experience with an acting student.
Mission accomplished- Pilgrims and completed shelves.
5th grade class- we brought tem new English books- they loved them- full
of colored pictures and lively activities!
Children sang for us and we sang for them.
Outside elementary school.
Plaque outside school recognizing American from Providence, Rhode Island, James Fretwell, who was an
important supporter in the 1870's
Sylvia Carpenter on the play yard, from New London, who celebrated her 80th birthday on the trip.