Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter, Easter, Easter

Eggs, Eggs Eggs

Traditional dyeing method taught by religon teacher/Minister along with
a time around a table with candles talking about the last supper.
Transylvanian Unitarians believe that Jesus died in the crucifixion-
no resurrection, no coming to life, no miracles
Easter is a celebration of Jesus' life and teachings.
The Bible is interpreted using reason, science, historical criticism.

Bibi, the English teacher, applying fine wax lines on egg with stylus- very labor intensive.

Finished products, dyed red with wax rubbed off and bacon fat applied for shine.

A sneak peek from Bibi's class, just before Easter break.





Off to Torocko for Easter

 The bell tower of the Unitarian Church in Torocko from our guest house. And the amazing rock mountain.
This is old iron mining country.
 Left, Levi, our host, Lehel who drove us up and my daughter Martha who joined me for a week.

                                                      The new healthy method....
                                         Wrapping eggs with herb spring and old nylons.
                                                    Dyeing in onion skins and beets.
                                          Little boys with egg stash, spray bottles in pockets,
                                               ready to say sweet flower poems.
                                            Unitarian Easter Bells. with day light savings-
                             folks ignored time and came to church when bell rang an hour late!
                                The shy little sprayer, Mom helping him remember his poem!


  1. I remember my Latvian German & Russian teacher dyed her eggs with beets and onion skin. I tried it one year, and it didn't come out so well. I probably forgot some important ingredient or part of the process. She didn't use a sprig of greenery, which I think is beautiful. (Although the intricately patterned pisanky eggs are works of art themselves.)

  2. Mine have never come out so well either. Hmm. Rev. Claudia, did you pay close enough attention that you can do a workshop with me and the Sunday School kids next year before Easter?

  3. On another note, we may need to use your phone as backup for our Skype call.

    Any chance you could do a trial run with me and Scott this Sunday at noon our time (is that 7 your time?)??
