May 3, 2013
A cousin of mine has been following the blog and she wrote me wondering how the pilgrimage ended. What happened? So, I write to you all now.Sorry for the delay in finishing the blog. I believe we still have one pilgrim on the road in Europe, but the rest of us made it home safely by the end of April despite Lufstansa having a one-day strike on the one day most of us were flying out! I had planned a return via Berlin and Holland , came down with a nasty case of hives, and when I regain my bearings I will shortly complete the blog as previewed below. A technical glitch kept me from including a photo or two now, but they will all be in the complete version. Hopefully, some of our other Pilgrims will keep adding to these pictures, running commentary and reflection.
Your comments and feedback or very helpful. I hope you are enjoying our Pilgrimage with us. Now the real reflection begins, digesting the thoughts, feelings and images of an extraordinary eleven days together.
Rev. Claudia
Marosvasarhely - Congregations Moving Forward
Home congregation of our guide, Csilla Kolcsar-Dale and where her father served as Minister from 1969-1997. Usually John and Csilla Dale guide tours together. Unfortunately, John's father became ill. John returned to Florida and Csilla did a fabulous job leading our SUUS Pilgrimage solo.
Because of susbtantial growth in this church and city, the congregation launched a 21st century satelite congregation, a fascinating model for growth! We saw both old and new and heard how they share ministry! We also visited the Teleki Library here, oldest in Transylvania with some unexpected contents!
The Alabaster Village (Meszko), Torda and On to Kolozsvar
A village near Kolozsvar, Meszko has a unique congregational story with a prophet and poet in their recent past.Torda was a highpoint of the pilgrimage- at the church where Francis David (Ferencz David)argued for Unitarianism and religious freedom before a legislative body, the Edict of Torda in 1568. As a result, King John Sigismond issued the Act of Religious Toleration and Freedom. The Uniarian Church of Transylvania dates its beginning from this date.
Kolozsvar was our final destination- complete with a visit to the Unitarian Headquarters led by the Assistant to the Bishop, Rev. Maria Pop (first ordained Unitarian woman in recent history), attending worship at the old First Unitarian Church founded by Francis David and a wonderful visit with the Minister in the sanctuary after realizing our flights had been cancelled the next day. We scrambled, but those who could ended the next morning with a visit to the Unitarian Archives with Lehel Molnar, Archivist.
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